Absolute X-Ray

X-Rays use radiation to create images. It is often the first diagnostic test requested by Doctors because it is quick and easily accessible.


X-rays are the original form of diagnostic imaging and the technology has been around for a very long time. X-Rays use radiation to create images.  It is often the first diagnostic test requested by Doctors because it is quick and easily accessible.

X-rays are invisible beams of electromagnetic energy that can pass through your body.  Because your body has different densities, the x-rays are absorbed in different amounts and therefore create a picture of varying shades of black, white and grey.

X-rays are most frequently used to assess bones and joints, as well as chest radiographs to image the heart, major blood vessels, lungs and rib cage.



Don’t hesitate to call or email us.


Simply walk-in for your next X-ray!

You do not need to book an appointment for an X-ray. Just walk-in anytime with your referral form.

Safety Info

If you are likely to be pregnant please inform your Doctor and let our team know.

Please feel free to call us to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with our team. We are here to assist you in every way.